Welcome to Odin Clinic
Odin Clinic was established in İzmir, the third largest city in Turkey, with the leadership of Prof. Dr. Serdar Kaçar and his team of expert professionals and the latest technological infrastructure.
Prof. Dr. Serdar Kaçar has more than 30+ years of experience. Prof. Dr. Kaçar and his team have successfully performed thousands of obesity operations to date.
Our specialized team at Odin Clinic provide services in a wide range of areas such as Mommy Makeover, Breast Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Neck Lift, Arm Lift, and Tummy Tuck.
Check our departments for more information.
- Online Consultation
- Caring Medical Team
- Proactive and Fast Results
- Free Hotel
- Vip Transfers
- 24/7 Support

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Sertifika Bilgisi

Sertifika Bilgisi

Sertifika Bilgisi

Specialize in Diagnostics
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Sertifika Bilgisi

Sertifika Bilgisi

Sertifika Bilgisi

Sertifika Bilgisi
Amazing Results
A Great Place Of Medical Health Care:
Odin Clinic
Our friendly team greets you at the airport and takes you to your hotel. We also provide transfers to the clinic and hospital in a private VIP vehicle from the hotel.
Our assistants, who speak your language, are always with you.
What we do
Why Need To Choose Us?
Standards of Treatment
Infection Prevention
Quality of Care Services
Patient Experience
Well Communication
30+ Years Experience
What Clients Say Us

“Tanto a receção , no aeroporto como a receção na clinica Odin fui bem recebida as pessoas muito amaveis, sempre prontas a ajudar .5🌟 Aconselho muito esta clinica. Muito obrigado.”

“I found Odin Clinic with the recommendation of a friend of mine. Everyone was extremely professional and friendly. I did not meet with any surprise. And extremely satisfied with the result. I think I will also get help with weight loss. I would like to thanks all of them. Thank you Odin Clinic.”

“Mi pensar sobre la clínica es sobre mi propia espériencia soi mui buenos mui ordenador limpios dan un buen trato la encargada de traducir es mui amable volvería si. Pensarlo la recomiendo mucho.”

Наталья Павленчак
“Делала шунтирование желудка в июне 2022 года, при самой операции у меня оказалась грижа на пищеводе, доктор доцент Месут мне её удалил, за что ему очень благодарна, так как меня мучали проблемы из за этого, а я сама не знала от чего это. Похудела уже на 35 кг, чувствую себя отлично. Рекомендую эту клинику , всё навысшем уровне. Спасибо вам большое, за то я сейчас живу и бегаю”

Ирина Иванова
“Давно мучалась с лишнем весом, вот наконец то решилась на резекцию желудка, обратилась в клинику, которая находится в Турции. За 4 месяца похудела на 18 кг. Огромная благодарность ОДИН КЛИНИК, врачам, Айгуль и Татьяне, которые помогали, поддерживали всё это время!”